Last February INPUT organized HR network drinks, where many of the partners of the association were present, such as Compagnon, ITrainee, and Reijn. I got to connect with fellow HR enthusiasts, exchange insights, and forge valuable professional relationships. The board had the splendid idea to match each student to a representative of the different companies using a deck of cards. I was very fond of that, because I can get quite shy when it comes to approaching people, but this way it was easy to approach the representatives and swap conversational partners throughout! We got to talk about various different topics; their companies and what they have to offer, our study and what we like about it, but also just fun stories! Trust me, even though the attendees are not students anymore, they have some amusing stories! And another benefit, drinks and snacks were on INPUT, what a win right?! This chance to broaden my network and get to know some of the partners of INPUT was definitely worth my time, and I’d love to attend next time as well!!